Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Knock Knock

knock knock p2knock knock p2

knock knock p3knock knock p4knock knock p5

I did this comic last year, written by Ben Jennings and Christopher Godfree, and art by me.
I had a couple of weeks to draw, ink and colour it, though the layout was done, it was a push to get this finished.

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Thursday, 23 August 2012

Homemade toothpick crossbow

This is what boredom created, a toothpick crossbow. It was made from items I found around the house. About 15 ice lollie sticks, giant paper clip, small paper clip, fishing line, pen spring, toothpick, scalpel top and hair clip. The bow was the hardest part to souce, I was going to use a thin knife and shape it into the bow but then I found a junior hack saw blade, which looked good but still needed to be filed down. As I was searching the house I came across a hairclip and realised it was the perfect bow. Stick together with lots of glue and voila, a totally pointless and complete waste of time toothpick crossbow.


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