Saturday, 23 October 2010

Comic idea coloured

Oct 2010
I got a friend of my brother to colour my work and its still being work on (i tweaked it a little), but I like it so much that i wanted to post it. Sorry for all the hassel Barry.
Colours by Barry Peters


Friday, 22 October 2010

Like Mother, like Daughter

Aug 2010
Here's the first page of a comic I drew (written by Ben Jenkins and Christopher Godfrey, lettered by Dave Evans) for Something Wicked, published by FutureQuake Press. I'm not too sure if I can put this up or not, but what the hell, its only one page.

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Oct 2010
This is what happens to you when you draw Titeuf all day, you get Titeufitus. First one slowly emerges, then another pops out and then another. And before you know it, your head is covered in Titeuf's.


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