Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Avian Animations

This is what I'm working on at the moment. Like the dog animations, it's for an app aimed at toddlers. Again these were animated with After Effects, and this time round a lot easier to animate aswell.

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Dog animations

Here are some animations for an app I'm working on. It's aimed at toddlers, when you tap on the dog, the dog will do something. I've animated with After Effects before, but this was the first with characters.

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Work I did for jobs that didnt get me the job part 2

It's been a while since my last post, so I thought I might start with a downer. I went for a job interview recently at an e-card studio (it did not go well, I ended up breaking the interviewers pencil) and they asked me to produce 2 animations as a test.
The first was to take apart an image that was provided and animate it, no probs, it took me a few hours to finish. But the second was a toughie, an e-card about engagement. I'm not the most romantic or sentimental of people, so this was bit of a stretch for me and maybe it shows in the finished animation. Again this took a few hours to do, illustrated with Illustrator and animated with After Effects.
A few days later, I got a rejection email and was kindly offered to give some feedback, which I cowardly ignored.

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