Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Work I did for jobs that didnt get me the job part 2

It's been a while since my last post, so I thought I might start with a downer. I went for a job interview recently at an e-card studio (it did not go well, I ended up breaking the interviewers pencil) and they asked me to produce 2 animations as a test.
The first was to take apart an image that was provided and animate it, no probs, it took me a few hours to finish. But the second was a toughie, an e-card about engagement. I'm not the most romantic or sentimental of people, so this was bit of a stretch for me and maybe it shows in the finished animation. Again this took a few hours to do, illustrated with Illustrator and animated with After Effects.
A few days later, I got a rejection email and was kindly offered to give some feedback, which I cowardly ignored.

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