Saturday, 27 November 2010

4th Apocalypse Trojan sketches

May 2009

May 2009
I found these while backing up my work to DVD's, to create space on my HDD. I did a number of sketches when I was designing the Trojan character (Zyborg as I knew them from that when). Early on, I tried to keep a certain amount of realism and practicality whilst designing them, but then remembering the story is set in the future and threw caution to the wind. Before I added a Helmet mask thing on, I used the WWE/UFC fighter, Brock Lesner, as inspiration.

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Saturday, 20 November 2010

Judge Dredd Submission

Summer 2009
Summer 2009

Summer 2009

Summer 2009

Summer 2009

Summer 2009

Summer 2009
This is a submiision piece i did for 2000AD but it got rejected. The script is called Cycle of violence, taken from the 2000AD website. I can see why I got shot down and learned a lot from it, I was thinking of re-doing it but thought it best to move on to the next project. When I was drawing this, I was going for the oldschool Dredd, where Mega-City One had a mixture of futuristic and old buildings.


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